A report said that hate crimes continued to be a serious problem across Europe – with numerous instances in 2010 of intimidation, threats, vandalism, arson, assault, and murder, targeting individuals or groups because of their ethnicity, religion, or other status.
Source: Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: Incidents and responses, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Links: Report | OSCE press release
Date: 2011-Nov
A study examined barriers to discussing sexuality with young people at secondary schools and in youth work settings – focusing on lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues. Young people questioned for the report claimed that homophobic bullying was not always dealt with effectively by schools.
Source: Eleanor Formby (with Ben Willis), Tackling Homophobia and Transphobia in Settings Supporting Young People: What are the barriers and facilitators? Findings from a South Yorkshire study, Centre for Education and Inclusion Research (Sheffield Hallam University)
Links: Report | Sheffield Hallam press release
Date: 2011-Nov
A study examined the interaction between age and sexual or gender identity, and how these characteristics shaped individuals' experiences, behaviours, and attitudes. It focused on the issues facing older (65+) and younger (under 25) LGBT individuals, the divisions and commonalities between them, and whether there was potential to bring the two groups together for mutual benefit.
Source: Charlotte Potter, Sally-Marie Bamford, and Dylan Kneale, Bridging the Gap: Exploring the potential for bringing older and younger LGBT people together, International Longevity Centre – UK
Date: 2011-Nov
A new book examined gay and lesbian parenting, focusing on those who had fostered or adopted children.
Source: Stephen Hicks, Lesbian, Gay and Queer Parenting: Families, intimacies, genealogies, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Nov
A report for the equal rights watchdog said that the number of hate crimes recorded by the police service in England and Wales had fallen to 47,229 in 2010 from 50,868 in 2009. But there was still significant under-reporting of some types of targeted violence such as disability-related harassment. Some police forces, local councils, and social landlords did not always recognize their role in preventing such incidents.
Source: Neil Chakraborti, David Gadd, Paul Gray, and Sam Wright, Public Authority Commitment and Action to Eliminate Targeted Harassment and Violence, Research Report 74, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report | EHRC press release
Date: 2011-Oct
A study examined whether the European Union had the legal competence to adopt legislation on crimes motivated by hatred against specified groups identified by reference to race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, and religion.
Source: Steve Peers, The Legal Grounds for Inclusive EU Legislation Against Bias Violence and Hatred, ILGA-Europe
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
An article examined the literature base of existing research in the field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) care provision.
Source: Paul Willis, Nicki Ward, and Julie Fish, ' Searching for LGBT carers: mapping a research agenda in social work and social care', British Journal of Social Work, Volume 41 Number 7
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Oct
A report for the equal rights watchdog examined new gender identity questions that could be used by public bodies when carrying out equality monitoring, focusing on questions that could be understood and answered by people who were transgender and non-transgender.
Source: Meera Balarajan, Michelle Gray, and Martin Mitchell, Monitoring Equality: Developing a gender identity question, Research Report 75, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
A report said that homophobic bullying in schools in Northern Ireland (combined with other factors such as inadequate teacher training) 'prejudicially, discriminately and illegally' disadvantaged young people who were lesbian, gay or bisexual.
Source: Gavin Boyd, Left out of the Equation: A report on the experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people at school, Rainbow Project/Cara-Friend
Links: Report | Rainbow Project press release | PinkNews report
Date: 2011-Oct
An article challenged approaches to dealing with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual (LGBT) safety that narrowly focused on reporting within a hate crime 'paradigm'. It called for a broader social policy framework that used multi-agency approaches to community safety for those who experienced abuse on the basis of their sexual and/or gender identities.
Source: Kath Browne, Leela Bakshi, and Jason Lim, ' "It's something you just have to ignore": understanding and addressing contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans safety beyond hate crime paradigms', Journal of Social Policy, Volume 40 Issue 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Oct
A survey of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people over the age of 55 examined their experiences and expectations of getting older. Those surveyed were more likely than heterosexual people to be single and to live alone; and they were less likely to have children and to see biological family members on a regular basis.
Source: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People in Later Life, Stonewall
Links: Report | Stonewall press release | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Sep
The Scottish Government began consultation on proposals for same-sex marriage and religious ceremonies for civil partnerships. It said that its initial view was that same-sex marriage should be introduced: but that faith groups and their celebrants should not be obliged to solemnize same-sex marriages.
Source: The Registration of Civil Partnerships/Same Sex Marriage: A Consultation, Scottish Government
Links: Consultation document | Scottish Government press release | CARE for Scotland press release | Christian Institute report | Evangelical Alliance press release | Stonewall response | BBC report
Date: 2011-Sep
An article examined civil partnership in England and Wales, 5 years after its introduction in 2005. It looked at the characteristics of those forming civil partnerships, and compared them with the characteristics of those marrying over the same period. Further comparisons were made between civil partnership dissolutions and divorce. The article presented estimates of the number of people currently in civil partnerships and children of civil partners. It also examined attitudes towards same-sex and civil partner couples, both in the United Kingdom and in other countries across Europe.
Source: Helen Ross, Karen Gask, and Ann Berrington, 'Civil partnerships five years on', Population Trends 145, Autumn 2011, Office for National Statistics
Links: Article
Date: 2011-Sep
A study examined how well the further education sector met the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender learners; and how the sexual orientation and gender identity of learners informed the choices they made.
Source: Donna James and Clare Lambley, Research into Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equality in Adult Learning, Skills Funding Agency
Links: Report | SFA press release
Date: 2011-Aug
A report examined discrimination issues in European labour markets for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (part 1); and for ethnic minorities and migrants (part 2).
Source: Barbara van Balen, Ursula Barry, Ronald Holzhacker, Elisabeth Villagomez, and Katrin Wladasch, Synthesis Report 2010, Network of Socio-Economic Experts in the Non-Discrimination Field/European Commission
Links: Report part 1 | Report part 2
Date: 2011-Aug
An article examined the ways in which European jurisprudence had viewed and ruled on gender identity discrimination.
Source: Lauri Sivonen, 'Gender identity discrimination in European judicial discourse', Equal Rights Review, Volume 7
Links: Article
Date: 2011-Aug
An article examined 'sexuality discourses' in the secondary school curriculum in England. Issues relating to sexual diversity were 'noticeably absent' from the curriculum. Teachers were not explicitly encouraged to explore sexual diversity in their teaching. The effects of this on young people who identified themselves as lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual were overwhelmingly negative.
Source: Helen Sauntson and Kathryn Simpson, 'Investigating sexuality discourses in the UK secondary English curriculum', Journal of Homosexuality, Volume 58 Issue 6-7
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jul
A report examined trends in European Union law on tackling discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. Progress was occurring at a variety of speeds, resulting in an uneven and unco-ordinated response to discrimination in areas such as protection from abuse and violence, and freedom of assembly.
Source: Homophobia, Transphobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the EU Member States: Summary of findings, trends, challenges and promising practices, Fundamental Rights Agency (European Commission)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jun
An article said that the peace process in Northern Ireland had so far failed to address the needs of some of the most vulnerable young people – in particular, those who identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
Source: Dirk Schubotz and Malachai O'Hara, 'A shared future? Exclusion, stigmatization, and mental health of same-sex-attracted young people in Northern Ireland', Youth and Society, Volume 43 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jun
An article examined the increased attention given to the issue of homophobic bullying in schools.
Source: Daniel Monk, 'Challenging homophobic bullying in schools: the politics of progress', International Journal of Law in Context, Volume 7 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jun
A report examined the human rights situation of lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual people in Europe, and made recommendations for developing and implementing effective measures to address discrimination.
Source: Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe, Council of Europe
Links: Summary | European Parliament (LGBT Group) press release | ILGA-Europe press release | Transgender Europe press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A study found that the introduction of same-sex partnership legislation could lead to a decrease in anti-gay/lesbian attitudes in Europe.
Source: Judit Takacs and Ivett Szalma, 'Homophobia and same-sex partnership legislation in Europe', Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Volume 30 Issue 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jun
The European Court of Justice ruled that a supplementary retirement pension paid to a partner in a civil partnership might constitute discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation where it was lower than that granted in a marriage.
Source: Jurgen Romer v Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, European Court of Justice
Links: Judgement | ECJ press release
Date: 2011-May
A trade union report said that although there had been 'significant improvements' in the position of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people at work, the problems that remained were substantial.
Source: LGBT Equality at Work, Trades Union Congress
Links: Report | TUC press release
Date: 2011-May
An article examined masculinities and sexualities in the context of sport and physical cultures. Even in the traditionally conservative institution of sport, recent change had been dramatic – resulting in improved conditions for sexual minorities.
Source: Eric Anderson, 'Masculinities and sexualities in sport and physical cultures: three decades of evolving research', Journal of Homosexuality, Volume 58 Issue 5
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-May
A study examined the feasibility of standardizing national legislation in the European Union on violence against women, violence against children, and sexual orientation violence.
Source: Feasibility Study to Assess the Possibilities, Opportunities and Needs to Standardise National Legislation on Violence Against Women, Violence Against Children and Sexual Orientation Violence, European Commission
Date: 2011-Apr
A new book examined issues of sexuality and sexual identity in social work, informed by feminist research.
Source: Priscilla Dunk-West and Trish Hafford-Letchfield (eds.), Sexual Identities and Sexuality in Social Work: Research and reflections from women in the field, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Apr
A new book examined the intellectual and social status and treatment of 'queer' in European countries. It considered the ways in which the concept 'queer' was adapted in different national contexts, where it took on subtly different overtones, determined by local political specificities and intellectual traditions.
Source: Lisa Downing and Robert Gillett (eds.), Queer in Europe: Contemporary case studies, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Apr
A report examined lesbian, gay, and bisexual people's experiences of equality in the workplace in Northern Ireland. Around 1 in 4 LGB people were not open about their sexual orientation to anyone in work.
Source: Matthew McDermott, Through Our Eyes: Experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the workplace, Rainbow Project
Links: Report | Rainbow Project press release | BBC report
Date: 2011-Mar
The government published an action plan for promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality.
Source: Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality: Moving Forward, Government Equalities Office
Links: Action plan | LGF press release
Date: 2011-Mar
The equality and human rights watchdog in Scotland published a report calling on the Scottish Government to allow gay and transgender people to marry.
Source: Eddie Follan and Malcolm Sayers, Equal Access to Marriage: Ending the segregation of same-sex couples and transgender people in Scotland, Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland
Links: Report | EHRC press release
Date: 2011-Mar
An article examined whether there was an association between sexual orientation and the prevalence of mental disorder, self-harm, and suicide attempts in England; and whether psychiatric problems were associated with discrimination on grounds of sexuality. People of non-heterosexual orientation reported elevated levels of mental health problems and service usage, lending support to the suggestion that perceived discrimination might act as a social stressor in the genesis of mental health problems in this group.
Source: Apu Chakraborty, Sally McManus, Terry Brugha, and Paul Bebbington, 'Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England', British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 198 Issue 2
Links: Abstract | RCPsych press release
Date: 2011-Feb
The Protection of Freedoms Bill was published. The Bill was designed to end 'unwarranted state intrusion' into private lives. Measures included:
An end to routine monitoring under a radically reformed vetting and barring scheme for people working with children and vulnerable adults (following a review).
The scrapping of 'Section 44' powers, which had been used to stop and search innocent people.
The permanent reduction of the maximum period of pre-charge detention for terrorist suspects to 14 days.
DNA samples and fingerprints of innocent people to be deleted from police databases (following a review).
The removal of out-of-date convictions for consensual acts by gay men.
Householders to be protected from local authority enquiries in relation to (for example) school catchment areas.
An end to the fingerprinting of children in schools without parental consent.
Source: Protection of Freedoms Bill, Home Office, TSO | Vetting & Barring Scheme Remodelling Review: Report and Recommendations, Home Office/Department of Health/Department for Education | Sunita Mason (Independent Advisor for Criminality Information Management), A Common Sense Approach: A review of the criminal records regime in England and Wales, Home Office
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Vetting and Barring review | Home Office press release | DE press release | Liberal Democrats press release | ATL press release | BHA press release | Information Commissioner press release | LGF press release | Manifesto Club press release | NAHT press release | Nuffield Council on Bioethics press release | Privacy International press release | REC press release | Scout Association press release | Stonewall press release | TUC press release | UNISON press release | Volunteering England press release | Personnel Today report | Children & Young People Now report | Community Care report | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Feb
The High Court ruled that a local council was entitled to prevent a Christian couple from fostering on the grounds that their anti-gay beliefs made them unsuitable for that role.
Source: R (Eunice Johns and Owen Johns) v Derby City Council, High Court 28 February 2011
Links: Judgement | BHA press release | Christian Institute press release | NSS press release | Stonewall press release | PinkNews report | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Feb
A report examined experiences, perceptions, and expectations on the part of lesbian women concerning the impact that their sexuality might have on them at work. Gay and bisexual women often thought that their gender was more of a barrier to success at work than their sexual orientation: but for those who had felt able to come out at work, the personal and professional benefits had been considerable.
Source: Nathanael Miles, The Double-Glazed Glass Ceiling: Lesbians in the workplace, Stonewall
Links: Report | Stonewall press release
Date: 2011-Feb
An article examined lesbian, gay, and bisexual mental health, and some of the factors that influenced the engagement of LGB people with mainstream mental health services.
Source: Sarah Carr, 'Seldom heard or frequently ignored? Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) perspectives on mental health services', Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, Volume 3 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan